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Hong Kong Children Arts Festival & Painting Competition


題目︰        今年夏天

Topic:        This Summer



CP101        幼兒組(4歲或以下,2015年9月1日或以後出生)

                  Toddler Class (born after 1 September 2015)

CP102        兒童組(7歲或以下,2012年9月1日或以後出生)

                  Children Class (born after 1 September 2012)

CP103        少年組(12歲或以下,2007年9月1日或以後出生)

                  Junior Class (born after 1 September 2007)

CP104        青年組(18歲或以下,2001年9月1日或以後出生)

                  Teenager Class (born after 1 September 2001)


繪畫材料︰    不限,如粉彩、水彩、素描、蠟筆... 等等

Painting materials: no limit, such as pastels, watercolors, sketches, crayons...etc.


作品尺寸︰    不大於11.7吋 X 16.5吋 / 42cm X 29.7cm

Work size:     not more than 11.7inch X 16.5inch / 42cm X 29.7cm


報名費用︰    HKD150(包寄回證書)

Registration Fee:    HKD150 (include the postage of Certificate delivery)

* *賽後如需取回作品,須另加HKD50行政費,並必須附上A3 公文袋(並貼上港幣$7.5 郵票)及填上回郵地址,否則本會不會寄回作品。(如選擇取回作品的參賽者,證書將會連同作品一併寄回)




請將(1)作品、(2)報名表及(3)報名費用支票(抬頭︰香港青少年音樂發展協會)/ 入數紙(中國銀行 012-721-1-014968-4 香港青少年音樂發展協會),

郵寄至 鑽石山 彩虹道192-198號旺景工業大廈12樓C座C6號室,


Procedure of Registration:

Please mail (1)the work, (2) registration form and (3) registration fee cheque (heading: Hong Kong Youth Music Development Association)/bank transaction slip (Bank of China : 012-721-1-014968-4) to Shop C6, Block C, 12/F, Wong King Industrial Building, 192-198 Choi Hung Road, Diamond Hill. Please indicate "Hong Kong Children Arts Festival & Painting Competition 2019" and "Do Not Fold" on the envelope.


截止日期︰    2019年9月15日(以郵戳為準)

Dealine:    15 September 2019 


名次 及 獎品︰



一位亞軍,可獲得獎盃一座 及 榮譽證書一份。

一位季軍,可獲得獎盃一座 及 榮譽證書一份。



Ranking and Prizes:

For each group

The Winner, who will be awarded a trophy, a Certificate of Honor, and Bookshop Voucher of HKD300.

The 2nd Prize, who will be awarded a trophy and a Certificate of Honor.

The 3rd Prize, who will be awarded a trophy and a Certificate of Honor.

3 Merit Awards, who will be awarded a Certificate of Merit.

The remaining contestants will receive a Certificate of  Commendation.




Result Announcement Date:

30 September 2019 

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